Set 3 reminders and get free delivery

Never forget an important occasion again.

Set Reminders

What is Payflex?

Pay for your order in 4 interest-free, zero-fee payments over six weeks and get your order shipped right away. You heard that right! No fees, no interest, no catch. Instalments are automatically deducted from your card every 2 weeks.

Why Use Payflex?

How It Works

Buy now and pay later in less than 2 minutes.

What do I need to apply?

All you need:

A South African issued debit or credit card

A South African ID number

Be 18+years of age

Set a reminder ...
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By adding a reminder, you agree to receive emails about this reminder. View our Privacy Policy for more information
Set a reminder ...
Set 3 reminders and get a free delivery voucher that you can use on your next order.
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By adding a reminder, you agree to receive emails about this reminder. View our Privacy Policy for more information
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This code has also been sent to you via email.
You've set up Reminders!
To save your reminders and retrieve your free delivery code, you have to setup a Bloomable account.
- Why setup an account -
  • Manage your orders
  • Manage your address book
  • Set and manage reminders
  • Manage subscriptions
  • Earn Rewards
  • Become a member of the Bloominatti
Note: You must setup an account to save your reminders and to receive your free delivery code.
Set a reminder below and never forget an important occasion again
Setup 3 reminders and get a free delivery voucher
Note: You must setup an account to save your reminders and to receive your free delivery code.
Your next reminders!